Monday, January 20, 2014

Finding Your Audience, Group Participation Part 2

Joyce McConnell is a freelance writer who has written down some of the surprising answers to prayer the Lord has blessed her family with over the years. She originally gave her book to her family as Christmas gifts, but then discovered that other people enjoyed reading her stories also and has been marketing her book since 2010. When you read A God of Surprises, you will discover that our Lord delights in answering His children's prayers. His answers are unique. Sometimes unexpected. Often unusual. And many times fun! You will see why our Lord truly is A God of Surprises!

Joyce writes: I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have for me. My paperback book is only 85 pages long, is a very easy read and some people use it as a devotional. I also give all the proceeds from the book to our wounded veterans and I give the address in the preface in case anyone would like to give to our veterans also. I think my book appeals to anyone interested in knowing how God answers prayers and it can be any age group, male or female. At my last book-signing , which was at a craft fair, a 10-year-old boy got very excited about reading my book. He didn't have enough money, but he made a deal with his mom who was at another table selling jewelry who agreed to give him the money and he would pay her back when he got home. As it turned out, it was a strong Christian family and we got to know each other during the day. Craft shows are fun!

Let's help Joyce find more people to reach with her book! 

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