Monday, December 22, 2014

Jan. 12, 2015, Meeting Speaker: Catherine Claire Larson on Telling True Stories

Tonight's meeting (Jan. 12) is ON as usual. See you there!

Catherine Claire Larson
Author, Reporter, Feature Writer, Script Writer
Monday, Jan. 12, 2015
“Stories of Reality: Finding and
Telling the True Stories That Matter”

What are the true stories worth telling and how do you find them? How do you convey these stories of reality in a way that grip your audience and leave them wanting more? The same elements of story—of conflict, character, action, and resolution—which make great fiction will invigorate your non-fiction work.

Author Catherine Claire Larson has stalked the stories that matter in the war-torn edges of East Africa, the desperation of America’s prison yards and the quiet marvels of motherhood. As a former ghost writer for Chuck Colson, contributor to BreakPoint Radio, and author, Larson has learned that the elements of good story-telling remain despite the genre. Revisit what makes a story satisfying and see how it can revive your writing. Learn more at

CCW meets the second Monday of odd-numbered months, from 7-9 p.m., at historic Gunnell House,10520 Main Street, Fairfax, VA (on the grounds of Truro Church) Directions and more information:

CCW Meeting Cancellation Policy
Please always double-check our blog before each meeting.
1. If Fairfax County Public Schools cancel for inclement weather, we will not have a meeting that evening. Schools are usually canceled before the sun rises on such days.
2. If inclement weather arrives AFTER 12 noon on the Monday of a meeting, we will post a cancellation on our blog at as well as a message on CCW’s contact number 703-803-9447.
3. If for any reason you cannot access the three sources above, then email

Thursday, November 13, 2014

CCW Member Starts Blog

CCW member Whitney Hopler has started a blog called "Renewing Your Mind.," where she tackles ways to renew our minds. Check it out--you'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Matt Watier November 2014 Speaker

Matt Watier
Freelance Illustrator
Monday, Nov. 10, 2014
“How Writers Can Work With Artists on Cooperative Projects”

Have you ever dreamed of writing a children’s book? Do you have an important message you’d like to pass on to the next generation? Are you curious about how to collaborate with an artist on a picture book? Matt Watier, local freelance illustrator, will talk about how his creative process works, where it intersects with writing, and how writers and artists can work together from idea to print.

Watier graduated from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia in 2001, majoring in Illustration and Design. He has published two books. His first published book ANTS: Another Nice Tasty Sweet was internationally published in Hebrew and English. His second book Secret Magics of Maine won numerous awards and has had various gallery shows throughout the East Coast of Maine. Watier now works as a User Experience Designer in the Washington, DC-metro region.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Candice Speare Prentice September 8, 2014

Capital Christian Writers presents
Candice Speare Prentice
Author of the Trish Cunningham Cozy Mystery Trilogy

Monday, Sept. 8, 2014
The Seasons of a Writer’s Life
(Understanding This Crazy Career Called Writing)

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). A writer’s life has very specific seasons as well.

Come be refreshed by this inspirational fiction writer and learn how to avoid frustration by embracing your present writing season. Candice not only has traditional and e-book experience with her trilogy (Murder in the Milk Case, Band Room Bash, and Kitty Litter Killer) but she has also co-authored three romances published by Barbour.

In her spare time, Candice writes for two blogs. Learn more at, and

Monday, July 28, 2014

August Fellowship Night, Aug. 11

August Fellowship
Monday, August 11, 7 p.m.

Join fellow CCW members and friends for some fellowship on Monday, August 11, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Panera Bread in the heart of Fairfax City (just a block from Truro at 3955 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. Parking is free in the garage next to the complex, which also has the Wine House, Bollywood Bistro and Potbelly's).

Come share what you're working on, talk shop and generally have fun! We'll try to snag the long table, so if you get there first and see it empty, please reserve it for us!

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Poetry & Prose Meeting July 14, 2014

Capital Christian Writers
Prose and Poetry Night
Monday, July 14, 2014

CCW members and their guests may sign up ahead of time to read one poem or one excerpt from your blog, short story, or novel. Afterward, listeners will jot down encouragement or suggestions on index cards for the reader. You’re welcome to bring ANY kind of clean, tasteful prose or poetry, on any subject, written for either mainstream or the Christian market.

Rehearse a little so you can time your reading. You will have 5 minutes--MAX. No introductions other than simply your name and the market you’re aiming for (example: Betsy Dill, mainstream humor novel). Let your words stand on their own strength and come inspire us!

RESERVE YOUR SPOT     email     Those who notify us first, read first!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Harry Krause's ACWF Blog

Harry Krause, our March 2014 speaker, had this to share about on the American Christian Fiction Writers blog today in Details, Details. Thought you might enjoy reading it!

Monday, April 21, 2014

May 2014 Speaker: Steve Reynolds

Capital Christian Writers Presents:
Pastor Steve Reynolds
May 12, 2014
“Turn Your Life Into a Book!”

Steve Reynolds, busy pastor of Capital Baptist Church, lost 100 pounds and started preaching a sermon series about it entitled Bod4God. The Washington Post ran a full-page feature on the “Anti Fat Pastor,” and people were soon encouraging him to write a book about his experience.

Reynolds used an editor to transcribe his sermons into book form, then self-published Bod4God in 2007. Regal Books/Gospel Light picked it up and expanded it in 2009. That sold so well, he then filmed a companion video series in 2012. His second book Get Off the Couch was published by Regal in 2013, and he’s working on his third book now.

Come hear his publishing journey and give some thought to the struggles you may have fought in your own life, and how you might be able to encourage others by getting the word out there.

Steve Reynolds has served as the senior pastor of Capital Baptist Church in Annandale, Va., since 1982. He is also the creator of the Losing to Live Weight Loss Competition. Steve is a graduate of Liberty University and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Debbie, have three children.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

April Fellowship Night

April Fellowship
Monday, April 14, 7 p.m. 

Join fellow CCW members and friends for some fellowship on Monday, April 14, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Panera Bread in the heart of Fairfax City (just a block from Truro at 3955 Chain Bridge RdFairfaxVA 22030. Parking is free in the garage next to the complex, which also has the Wine House, Bollywood Bistro and Potbelly's).

Come share what you're working on, talk shop and generally have fun! We'll try to snag the long table, so if you get there first and see it empty, please reserve it for us!

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dr. Harry Kraus 
March 10, 2014 
 “Ten Things I Wish I’d Known When Starting My First Novel” 

 The best-selling author of 19 books (16 novels and 3 nonfiction works), Dr. Harry Kraus is a board-certified surgeon and his signature is the authentic medical stripe that runs through his novels. His books have been finalists for the Christy award, American Christian Fiction Writers’ book of the year, and book of the year for the Faith, Hope, and Love section of Romance Writers of America. His novel, Could I Have This Dance? was the Christian Booksellers Association’s number-one bestseller for the contemporary fiction category for 2002. He divides his professional life between Virginia and East Africa.

 Come hear Dr. Kraus reflect on more than 20 years in the publishing business, and get rejuvenated on writing your own fiction or nonfiction work.

His books include novels Lip Reading, An Open Heart, A Heartbeat Away, The Six-Liter Club, Salty Like Blood, Perfect, Serenity, The Chairman, The Stain, Lethal Mercy, Fated Genes, Stainless Steal Hearts, and The Claire McCall Series (Could I Have this Dance?, For the Rest of My Life, and All I'll Ever Need); a youth novella (A Zebra Tale), and the nonfiction works Domesticated Jesus, The Cure, and Breathing Grace: What you need More than Your Next Breath.

CCW Meeting Cancellation Policy
Please always double-check our blog before each meeting.
1. If Fairfax County Public Schools cancel for inclement weather, we will not have a meeting that evening. Schools are usually canceled before the sun rises on such days.
2. If inclement weather arrives AFTER 12 noon on the Monday of a meeting, we will post a cancellation on our blog at as well as a message on CCW’s contact number 703-803-9447.
3. If for any reason you cannot access the three sources above, then email

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Member News

Rejoice with CCW member Joyce McConnell on the sale of her story, “Of Course You Can” to Under His Shadow magazine. She writes that the title of the piece was what a journalism teacher told her “when I wasn't sure I could cover a story he assigned me.”

Joyce says, “I was really thrilled to sell a story again! It has been quite a while and it encourages me to get on the ball and write up some more stories which I have been putting off because of one thing or another.”

Congratulations, Joyce!

If you have a writing-related praise to share, send us an email so that we can celebrate God’s goodness to you.

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Fellowship
Monday, Feb. 10, 7 p.m. 

Join fellow CCW members and friends for some fellowship on Monday, Feb. 10, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Panera Bread in the heart of Fairfax City (just a block from Truro at 3955 Chain Bridge Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030. Parking is free in the garage next to the complex, which also has the Wine House, Bollywood Bistro and Potbelly's).

Come share what you're working on, talk shop and generally have fun! We'll try to snag the long table, so if you get there first and see it empty, please reserve it for us!

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Finding Your Audience, Group Participation Part 2

Joyce McConnell is a freelance writer who has written down some of the surprising answers to prayer the Lord has blessed her family with over the years. She originally gave her book to her family as Christmas gifts, but then discovered that other people enjoyed reading her stories also and has been marketing her book since 2010. When you read A God of Surprises, you will discover that our Lord delights in answering His children's prayers. His answers are unique. Sometimes unexpected. Often unusual. And many times fun! You will see why our Lord truly is A God of Surprises!

Joyce writes: I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have for me. My paperback book is only 85 pages long, is a very easy read and some people use it as a devotional. I also give all the proceeds from the book to our wounded veterans and I give the address in the preface in case anyone would like to give to our veterans also. I think my book appeals to anyone interested in knowing how God answers prayers and it can be any age group, male or female. At my last book-signing , which was at a craft fair, a 10-year-old boy got very excited about reading my book. He didn't have enough money, but he made a deal with his mom who was at another table selling jewelry who agreed to give him the money and he would pay her back when he got home. As it turned out, it was a strong Christian family and we got to know each other during the day. Craft shows are fun!

Let's help Joyce find more people to reach with her book! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Finding Your Audience, Group Participation Part One

At last night's meeting, we ran out of time to comment on our own work. Over the next few weeks, CCW members and friends will post their current work-in-progress to this blog and we'll comment on the summary and offer suggestions for how the poster can reach his or her audience. Comments should be encouraging yet helpful, remembering Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you."

First up is Stephen Hiemstra!

Summary of work: 
A Christian Guide to Spirituality is a devotional study in 50 reflections focused on the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed. Each reflection is treated with a scriptural reference, biblically focused reflection, prayer, and questions for discussion. The target audience is the committed Christian wanting to dig deeper during Lent or Easter season. The book is complete and the total length is about 34,000 words.

About his audience: 
Since I volunteered to be an elder in 2002, I have been teaching adult Bible studies.  The past two years I have taught a bilingual class which is mostly in Spanish.  Most of my students are believers wanting to understand their faith better.  Oftentimes, my classes have been young adults and professionals who have never attended a Bible study and only came because I invited them.  Some came to church for the first time as adults.