Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tamela Hannock Murray to Speak at Sept. 9 Meeting

Literary Agent
Tamela Hannock Murray
“An Agent’s Perspective on the Latest options in Publishing”

If you wish to wave goodbye to traditional publishing and go indie (independent), Tamela Hannock Murray believes the first question to ask is whether or not you want to start a small business, just like an entrepreneur. Those authors who are entrepreneurs are ideally suited for the self-publishing route. They understand the energy it takes and the pitfalls that lie ahead. The second question to ask is whether you can sell enough copies to make it all worthwhile—and are also willing to take responsibility if a book fails. Come hear the current trends in publishing from the traditional publishing side, learn how to find an agent and then decide for yourself!

Tamela joined The Steve Laube Agency after serving as an agent with Hartline Literary Agency for a decade. A bestselling, award-winning author of more than two dozen novels, novellas and nonfiction books, Tamela brings the perspective of a working writer to her role as a literary agent. As an agent she represents many top authors and continues to develop new talent. She earned her BA with honors in Journalism from Lynchburg College in Virginia. Today she enjoys living in Northern Virginia with her family. She can often be found reading books on her Kindle.

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