Thursday, January 12, 2012

Online Blogging Class for Members, Jan. 17 @ 7:30 p.m.

HOW, pray tell, does a “FREAK SNOW STORM” sneak up on professional weather forecasters? Well, when it did on Monday, Jan. 9, we discovered CCW’s inclement weather policy has some holes in it.

We did cancel the meeting on our webpage, but several of our members travel quite a distance (bless you LYLE for driving 2.5 hours to reach Gunnell House)! Our speaker and CCW newsletter editor, Sarah Hamaker, met us at Truro, but on top of everything else we were LOCKED OUT! Nine hardy souls trekked over to Panera Bread in Fairfax where Sarah gave her presentation with the help of her husband who sent her notes to Lyle, who had his laptop with him! How’s that for collaboration?

We’re compensating CCW members with a free webinar in which Sarah will reprise her "It's a Blog World" talk and Stephanie Buckwalter will supplement with some additional information related to blogging. The online class will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 17, starting at 7:30 p.m. Simply email your request for the class link to This class is for current CCW members only.

But in the MEANTIME, here is our NEW and IMPROVED “cancellation policy:”
1.   If Fairfax County Public Schools cancel for inclement weather, we will cancel too. They usually cancel school before the sun rises on such days.

2.   If inclement weather arrives AFTER 12 noon, (AFTER “early release” in Fairfax County schools) on the Monday of a meeting, we will post any cancellations on our blog at as well as on CCW’s contact number 703-803-9447.

Thanks to Sarah, Lyle, and ALL the members who made the absolute best of a ridiculously bad situation.

And bless you one and all. =)
Betsy for CCW

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jan. 9 Meeting Canceled

CCW will not be having our Monday night meeting on Jan. 9. We will reschedule "It's a Blog World" this spring.